A series of expeditions are going to make us relive the adventure of humanity while the scientific exploration will enlighten us on the origins of life and on its directions. We will travel in time, from the last Ice Age to the beginning of the next millennium. Part science, part history and part science-fiction, the expeditions will be documented and followed-up with photos, a series of films, exhibitions worldwide, and a site on the Internet.
Bernard Buigues, an explorer of the Arctic North with a passion for the Siberian Arctic, leads these expeditions with a team of biologists, paleontologists, zoologists, technicians, and adventure-seekers. The Siberian Arctic, the last frontier for adventure, is an immense territory with very rich soil which has hardly been exploited. Here, some just pass through. Trappers, geologists or fishermen come merely to exploit the resources of this desolate land. Others, like the Dolgan nomads, live under their tents in the tundra. All year round, they follow the reindeer herds in their search for food. Those are the men who, while traveling about, are the most likely to discover traces of a buried mammoth.
The Siberian Arctic is a cemetery of mammoths. One can find an abundance of bones, tusks, skulls or teeth… all impressive and magnificent pieces, and the object of numerous smuggling. This cemetery also contains a few treasures, far more difficult to uncover: handful of preserved mammoths, which have been sleeping under the ice for maybe 50,000 years, somewhere under the permafrost of several thousands of square miles. This is one of the mammoths we will be looking for. Some of its cells are in perfect condition, and we will take samples of them to conduct our scientific experiments.